Reference to ListTemplate ID’s MOSS

Lately I’m building different kind of features, which can be very easy and interesting, but more on that later on. When I tried to bind some of those features to different kind of lists I came across the subject of ListTemplate ID’s.

ListTemplate ID’s
Every ListTemplate is associated with a different kind of ID, a value which can be used within a feature. For instance, a announcements list template is associated with the value 104. This can be very useful if you want to bind your feature to just document libraries.

DeletingEventHandler, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f5cce5f062aa189d

The example above shows how to use a event receiver in your elements.xml file of a feature. In this case my event handler feature registers receiver for the ItemDeleting event of a Announcements list template. It uses my custom code described in the DeletingAction class (.cs).

Reference ListTemplate ID’s.
It can be useful to know the different kind of ListTemplate ID’s when you create features. When googling I came across some reference posts on ListTemplate ID’s. I decided to put them together into one table and added two Listtemplate ID’s I discovered myself. I found 1300 Translation Management library & 1301 Languages & Translations. For all the others ID’s the credits go to MSDN library, Mike Smith & Alex from Phase 2.

If there are any errors in the table above or you have new ID’s please let me know.

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