Add new term to term set
How to add a new term to a term set in SharePoint Online using a Power Automate flow.
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How to add a new term to a term set in SharePoint Online using a Power Automate flow.
Searching for Azure AD users can be challenging with the Search for users (V2) action. This blog shows how you could use the Graph API with a filter to workaround this in Power Automate.
This time a short blog about Microsoft To Do. I will show you how you can update the reminder of a To Do task via a Power Automate flow. In this example I will...
After posting a blog about creating a team I saw Microsoft had updated the Create team method in the Microsoft Graph API beta recently. That’s the beauty of Office 365, everything improves so fast!...
Sometimes I like a nice challenge. I came across a Tweet from Joanne Klein with a question about Microsoft Teams provisioning. This article describes how to create a team with PnP PowerShell and the...